Stages of the Term Paper elaboration – TCC – Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso do MBA USP/ESALQ

Stages of the Term Paper elaboration

First stage – watch the videos on the Term Paper elaboration, available in the Term Paper System.

Second stage – choose the Term Paper field of study, which is done by filling out the questionnaire available at the Term Paper System;

Third stage – the advisor designation is done by the program coordination, and it is based on the field of study chosen in the second stage;

Fourth stage – elaboration of the Research Project (project title; introduction; purpose; material and methods; expected results; activity schedule; and references) and submission of the Ethical Considerations Form (ECF). This stage is evaluative, and it is equivalent to a test grade (T) of a class, which will be added to the grade average (GA). In case of non-fulfillment of the activity or when the Research Project does not contemplate the minimum expected content, a grade of zero (0.0) will be assigned to the activity.

Fifth stage – submission of the Preliminary Results (title; introduction; material and methods; preliminary results; and references) and the ECF result or Consolidated Report of the Ethics Committee, the latter only when it applies. This stage is evaluative, and it is equivalent to a test grade (T) of a class, which will be added to the grade average (GA). In case of the activity non-fulfillment, or when the Preliminary Results do not contemplate the minimum expected content, a grade of zero (0.0) will be assigned to the activity.

Sixth stage – Term Paper submission (title; abstract; introduction; material and methods; results and discussion, conclusion or final considerations, references), the ECF Result or Consolidated Report of the Ethics Committee, the latter only when it applies, and the presentation scheduling. Students who do not comply with this stage will automatically fail the course and there will not be a new opportunity to redo and/or submit the Term Paper.

Seventh stage – submission of the slideshow that will be used by the student during the Term Paper presentation;

Eighth stage – completion of the Final Tests and presentation of the Term Paper, both during the event held by the institution. Whether this stage is to be conducted in person and/or online will be defined by the institution and informed in advance.

Ninth stage – submission of the Revised Version of the Term Paper, mandatory for students who are in grade recovery for the Term Paper (grade greater than or equal to 5.0 and less than 7.0) or when requested by the examining board. In both situations, the student will have 30 consecutive days, counting from the presentation date, to adjust the Term Paper and submit the Revised Version via the Term Paper System.

Please note that it is the student’s entire responsibility to meet the deadlines of the stages.