Term Paper presentation result – TCC – Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso do MBA USP/ESALQ

Term Paper presentation result

The Term Paper grade is the average taken from the grades assigned by each examining board member, which the student will be informed shortly after the presentation.

  • Situation 1 – Approved (grade equal to or greater than 7.0): the student is approved but may be requested to submit a revised version of the paper at the discretion of the examining board, incorporating the corrections and suggestions presented by the board, except for the Term Paper title;
  • Situation 2 – Grade recovery (grade less than 7.0 and greater than or equal to 5.0): in this situation, the student must submit a revised version of the Term Paper within 30 days after the presentation date. The changes requested by the examining board members must be incorporated in the new version, except for changes in the title. The revised Term Paper version will be re-evaluated by the advisor, who will decide whether it is suitable for approval (grade equal to 7.0). The student may fail in case the revised Term Paper version does not meet the requests made by the examining board, or in case the file is not submitted within the deadline, the grade assigned to the presentation is maintained in both cases;
  • Situation 3 – Failed (grade less than 5.0): the student will be considered as having failed the Term Paper, and the opportunity to make a new presentation will not be granted. In this situation, the student will be prevented from receiving the MBA Certificate.