The Term Paper must be submitted as a digital file in .doc or .docx extensions and PDF, strictly formatted according to the MBA USP/Esalq standards, duly approved by the advisor, and identified with the student’s full name.
The Term Paper submission must be conducted via the Term Paper System with strict accordance to the deadline, which is defined and disclosed by the coordination in advance. Along with the Term Paper, the student must obligatorily submit the ECF result or the Consolidated CEP Report (both documents in PDF format), the latter only for the cases in which it applies.
The presentation scheduling must be conducted via the Term Paper System, immediately after the Term Paper submission, and it is the student’s responsibility to schedule the day and time of their presentation, according to the room availability and the advisor’s. It is suggested for the student to have a prior alignment with their advisor regarding the date and time of their presentation, in order to verify their availability to participate in the examining board.
As this is a mandatory stage, students who do not comply will fail the course automatically.