Front Matter Elements:
Title page
Abstract (or Executive Summary, applied exclusively to the Project Management course)
Title in a second language (optional)
Abstract in a second language (optional)
Keywords in a second language (optional)
Textual Elements:
Material and Methods
Results and Discussion
Conclusion(s) or Final Considerations
Back Matter Elements:
Acknowledgements (optional)
Appendix(es) and Annex(es) (optional)
In case some Term Papers for the Data Science and Analytics course involve the Algorithm Implementation topic (only for these specific projects), the Textual Elements (mandatory), Introduction, and Material and Methods may be changed to Initial Considerations and Machine Learning Algorithm(s) Implementation, respectively (consult template).
Appendices and Annexes: appendices are texts and/or documents that have been elaborated by the authors and are important to complement the Term Paper argumentation. Annexes are illustrative texts or documents that have not been elaborated by the authors. Appendices and annexes must follow the same formatting standards as the remainder of the text, including figures and tables.